Design a poster that encourages good behaviour on public transport.
6 months ago
The winner of a new poster competition will see their artwork displayed on our buses and trains across the Isle of Wight.
We are working in partnership with the Isle of Wight Council and the Isle of Wight Community Rail Partnership to encourage young people to design a poster that encourages good behaviour on public transport or at the roadside on the island.
The poster competition categories are:
Category 1: Behave well on public transport
- Avoid excessive noise (such as phones on speaker, or being noisy).
- Don't be anti-social.
- Take you litter with you and put it in a bin.
- Don't disrupt or disturb other passengers.
Category 2: Stay smart on the roadside
- Stay off your phone.
- Don't mess around with friends when you cross the road.
- Remove earbuds and headphone to focus when you cross the road.
- Cross at the lights.
Lewis Campbell, The Isle of Wight Council's road safety officer, said: "We really want to see some inspiring designs that will make people stop and think about good behaviour either on public transport or at the roadside. This about helping to make everyone's journey on public transport more peaceful and enjoyable, as well as encouraging road safety.
"The winner will see their artwork displayed on buses and trains, where it will be seen by thousands of people! This is your opportunity to design a campaign that will really make a difference!"
The competition is open to all secondary, sixth form and college students on the Island.
The closing date for entries is Tuesday, 30 April and full details can be found on the council's webpage: